All foods contain sugar and when food accumulates on your teeth and is not removed you can experience the services of a dentist. Like in life dentistry is not always fair. Some people never brush or floss their teeth and never need the services of a dentist. While others routinely perform daily dental hygiene at home and develop dental needs.

Your teeth are a product of your family tree but all teeth have a layer of enamel on the outside and an inner core of dentin on the inside. The enamel is very strong and impervious to decay while the dentin is much weaker and porous.

Decay always start out as a tiny point like the top of a pyramid - That's why dentistry for most is a picture of a little pointy instrument. So it is hard for decay to get into a tooth - however once through the enamel the decay spreads rapidly and oral home care at this point will not stop it.

The decay is actually anaerobic bacteria which love warm, dark areas, without oxygen and plenty of food like in your mouth. When the decay or cavity is small we can place a filling. When the decay gets larger we can place a lab processed filling known as an inlay. If the decay gets even larger we can place a crown which will hold the tooth together. We also have the ability to replace missing teeth in a number of ways.

Here at our practice we have the ability to access your situation and provide the necessary treatment to

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(212) 517-9000