Why You Should Not Avoid Going to the Dentist

Not going to the dentist can bite you.

Your brain due to experience will try to protect you from experiencing pain.  One of the unfortunate consequences of life is that when you are little you have very little say in what happens to you.  One of these circumstances is when going to the dentist you had a painful experience. This will haunt you for a very long time. 

As stated before if you experienced pain from earlier dental procedures your brain will tell you to stay away from the dentist.  This can boomerang.  As time goes by, not going to the dentist can allow a minor problem to become a big problem.  Now you’re in pain and your expectation is you’re going to have more pain.

Today dentistry has progressed where even the dreaded root canal can generally be treated painlessly. The time to come in for a dental checkup is when you are feeling fine.  Then any mysteries can be exposed before they can bite you.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS I realized going to the dentist is vastly different than being the dentist.  It’s a lot different being the patient under treatment.  So, I take it very seriously to ensure you have a pain free experience while in the office.

We will diagnose any situation you may have, give you alternatives to resolve the situation and give you local anesthetics to prevent you from feeling any pain during treatment.  I have taken the time to learn how to give painless dental injections which most patients appreciate.

So if you are in need of dental treatment or just a cleaning give us a call at 212 517 9000 and we’ll be happy to meet with you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Why it’s Critical to Replace Missing Teeth

When you lose a tooth, do you miss it?  For some they do while for others they do not.  Hopefully you are attached to your teeth and they remain attached to you.  But, sometimes things just happen.

You’re in an accident, a large filling fractures and then fractures your tooth, you bite down hard on a piece of bone or an olive or cherry pit and suddenly a tooth departs.  If it is a front tooth you will need to act.  Most people do not want to be a gap tooth person when they smile.  If it’s a back tooth some may ponder do I really need to replace it?

The first and most paramount question is do you miss that tooth?  If so, there are several ways to replace it.  If you don’t miss it here are some of the consequences if a tooth is not replaced.  Think of your teeth as the pylons supporting a pier going out into the ocean.  If some of the pylons collapse eventually the pier will also collapse.

Your back teeth have three roots, your side teeth have two roots and your front teeth have one root.  When you lose a back tooth you lose three roots or three pylons.  However, you lose more.  Without the tooth the opposing tooth is no longer in function.  So instead of three roots you have lost six roots.  One tooth loss is not going to kill your bite but as you lose or remove more teeth the remaining teeth are not strong enough to hold your bite. 

Also when you lose a tooth the supporting bone starts to disappear without the tooth present.  The bone is there when the tooth is.  No tooth leads eventually to no bone giving you that gaunt look.  Might be good for trick or treating on Halloween but probably not anywhere else.

Nobody loses all their teeth at once unless in a terrible accident.  It’s a slow progression like the domino effect.  In addition to losing support when you lose a tooth, the tooth behind it now has the ability to move forward.  Unfortunately, the tooth does not move horizontally but generally begins to tip, like the leaning Tower of Pisa.

When you have fewer teeth in your mouth the remaining teeth are under more pressure causing dental restorations in these teeth to have a better chance of fracturing and needing to be replaced.  Today we have the ability to replace a missing tooth without involving the adjacent teeth.  When replaced the new tooth will look and feel like your original tooth.

If you’re missing a tooth and want to learn what alternatives are available to replace it give us a call at 212 517 9000.  At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets right here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan – We like people and we like people who like their teeth.

So call today, you  and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Are Your Teeth Foundations Strong?

For those of us who cared the end of Game of Thrones was a disappointment. However our crowns continue to serve and when you smile we want you to have healthy and happy teeth.

You may not be aware but just like a beautiful building you would not see it without a strong foundation. The same is true with your teeth. Teeth are maintained in your jaw due to healthy bone and surrounding gum tissue.

You could have a full set of teeth without any filings or decay and lose them to a poor foundation. Periodontal disease or gum disease which attack the foundations of your teeth is preventable and also amendable to treatment. The good news is that you control the extent of gum disease in your mouth.

The easiest way to prevent gum disease is through daily brushing and flossing. Ideally you should floss and brush twice per day. Once in the morning upon waking and a second time at night before retiring.

You want to decrease the amount of bacteria in your mouth especially before going to sleep where bacteria thrive in an environment that is warm, dark and without air. Failure to brush and floss at night leaves excess food in your mouth. Upon waking you need to brush and floss to remove any overnight buildup. Also morning mouth can be disturbing to your friends.

Realize all the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning without oxygen. When you brush your teeth you bring air into your mouth which contains 20% oxygen. Your teeth are squares or cubes and when you brush you clean the top, back and front but do not get in between. However when you floss you bring air inbetween your teeth reducing the levels of bacteria.

All teeth have a cuff surrounding them which in health is 3mm in depth. When you eat, food accumulates in these pockets and if not removed breaks down releasing acids. In the first phase of gum disease called gingivitis the ligaments holding the teeth in your mouth are attacked. Once the pocket gets greater than 5 mm in depth you are no longer able to reach the base of the pocket through flossing since the floss would have to cut your gums to reach the bottom of the pocket.

If food continues to accumulate in the second phase of gum disease called periodontitis the pockets
will increase in depth. This leads to bone loss and eventual tooth mobility and tooth loss. Periodontal surgery is then necessary to save your teeth which is expensive and slightly painful.

The good news is daily flossing and brushing with bi-yearly dental exams and cleanings will prevent this situation from occurring. So let the floss be with you for continued dental health.

Looking for Dental Exam in the Upper East Side?

Contact us today (212) 517-9000 or info@reitdds.com to schedule your dental appointment.

Teeth Straightening For Everyone- It's Possible With Invisalign

Everyone deserves to have a smile they love, and with today’s modern dental technology that goal is attainable. A generation ago, straightening options were limited to old- school bracket-and-wire braces. These work well, but they’re considered taboo for adults. Invisalign, which straightens your teeth using custom-made clear trays, is a great alternative for patients of all ages.

The way Invisalign works is not completely different from traditional braces. In both cases, your teeth are realigned gradually. The difference comes in form. With braces, an orthodontist regularly tinkers with your wiring depending on where you are in the process. With Invisalign, on the other hand, you change aligners throughout treatment as you move from origin to destination. Depending on the results you’d like to achieve, treatment usually lasts between 8 months and 2 years.

Invisalign appeals to many patients for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the aligners are essentially invisible. Nobody will even know you’re wearing them. Despite their outward invisibility, the aligners do real, demonstrable work. Most patients start to notice changes in their smile as early as six weeks into treatment.

Other advantages of Invisalign include comfort and removability. The clear aligners are made of a BPA-free thermoplastic material that’s smooth to the touch and lays flat against your teeth. They are socomfortable that you may even forget you’re wearing them. You should remove your aligners for meals and can take them out for special occasions, but thisflexibility can be both a blessing and a curse. If you don’t wear your aligners as often as possible, you’ll stall your progress.

The results of straightening your teeth aren’t just cosmetic. Straight teeth are less likely to break or develop gum disease, which means investing in your smile now will save you from needing treatments later.

Invisalign is a great option for adult and adolescent patients alike. If you’ve ever wondered how kids have straighter teeth than ever but fewer seem to be wearing braces, now you know. Call our office 212-517-9000 today to find out if Invisalign is right for you.

Looking for Invisalign Dentist in the Upper East Side?

Contact us today (212) 517-9000 or info@reitdds.com to schedule your dental appointment.

Why Dental Health Contributes to Your Overall Health

Why Dental Health Contributes to Your Overall Health

Preventive Dentistry

Your overall health is most important. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive. Life can get in the way and sometimes we forget about our most important asset that being our health. Did you know going for preventive dentistry can save your oral and total health? By

going for preventive dentistry you protect yourself from tooth loss, tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, chronic bad breath, collapsed jaw bone, expensive dental procedures, surgeries and the potential risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

Doing preventive dentistry wards off dangerous bacteria. Sometimes the bacteria start in your mouth and then travel throughout your body. The goal at our practice is to maintain and create healthier smiles. The combination of consistent home brushing and flossing and preventive dentistry promotes good oral health. 

What Types of Preventive Dentistry can be done?

Exam and Cleanings

This is the starting point to determine where you’re at with your oral health. We begin by examining your mouth for signs of cavities, gum disease and anything else that needs attention.

Using special instruments we remove plaque, tarter and calculus from your teeth. We screen for oral cancer and examine your jaws and existing dental work. We will be able to detect oral health problems earlier and tell you about all your treatment options.

Why should you come in for dental exams and cleanings every six months? 

So we can catch any problems sooner before they can develop into something bigger leading to sensitivity, pain and/or more expensive dental procedures.

How long does a dental exam and teeth cleaning take?

Generally one hour leaving enough time to address any questions or concerns you may have. 

Can I brush my teeth after a dental cleaning?

Yes and you definitely want to continue you’re at home dental regimen.

Additional Preventive Treatments

Fluoride Treatment

We offer a simple fluoride treatment that will strengthen your teeth against decay and sensitivity. Our dental team will provide a fluoride treatment that benefits your dental health. Fluoride is especially helpful if you’re prone to getting cavities. 

How long does the fluoride treatment last?

The benefits of the fluoride will generally last for a couple of months and should be repeated once or twice per year.  After the treatment, you should not rinse, eat or drink for at least 30 minutes to allow your teeth to absorb the fluoride and help repair microscopic areas within the teeth.

Looking for a Dental Exam and Cleaning in the Upper East Side?

The best way to protect and provide for your oral health is to have regular preventive dental checkups and cleaning. We want you to have healthier and brighter smile! Call us today at  (212) 517-9000 or email us at info@reitdds.com to schedule your dental exam and cleaning.